P.O Box 405, Fort Portal Uganda.


Plot 19, Nyaika Avenue, Speke Lane-Boma Fort Portal


(+256) 392178486
(+256) 772089096

Who We Are

Albertine Interventions for Development (AID) is a grassroots development organization registered with National Bureau for NGOs (NGO Bureau) REG NO: S.5914/12791 and as well as a company limited by guarantee with Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) REG NO: 227181 established in 2007 to provide lasting solutions to poor and vulnerable communities to foster improved livelihoods for sustainable development in Uganda.


Membership and Affiliations

Albertine Interventions for Development (AID) is a member organization of Ruwenzori Regional Food security and Nutrition Cluster, Rwenzori Regional Environmental Cluster, Ruwenzori Dairy Consortium, Ruwenzori Seed Multi-stakeholder Platform, Ruwenzori Potato Seed Producers Association (RWESPA), Action Coalition on Climate (ACCC), Disaster Risk Reduction Uganda (DRRU-Platform), Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas (CISCO), Uganda Water Sanitation Network (UWASNET), Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA), Global Soil Partnership(GSP) as well as The Global Partnership on Forests and Landscape Restoration.

Our Vision

Improved quality of life for vulnerable communities in Uganda

Our Mission

To improve the livelihoods of poor and vulnerable households through promotion of sustainable development interventions.

Our Core Values:

• Responsiveness to people’s needs
• Respect for the environment
• Accountability and transparency
• Gender equity
• Trustworthy
• Networking and partnership building with other development organizations and actorss




Years of





Aid Products

• Quality Declared Seeds (QDS) of various superior crop varieties
• Agro-forestry tree seedlings of various species
• Charcoal briquettes manufactured from agricultural wastes
• Clean cook stoves
• Water filters

Our Organization Objectives:

1. To strengthen knowledge and skills of the farming communities on sustainable and modern agriculture

2. To promote environmental protection and sustainable natural resources management.

3. To promote Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

4. To provide agricultural advisory and extension services for increased income and improved livelihoods.

5. To promote improved crop planting materials, poultry and livestock breeds for increased income, nutrition and improved livelihoods.

6. To assist the farmers in accessing markets for their goods and services by leveraging our vertical and horizontal networks and development partners.

7. To promote rural and urban livelihood projects and create enabling conditions for the poor and vulnerable households to economically and socially empower them through appropriate livelihood options.

8. To promote HIV/ AIDS, TB and Malaria Prevention & Control.

9. To partner with government and development partners in the implementation of development interventions for socio-economic growth.

Our organization structure

At the top most of the organization is the General Assembly, Board, followed by the Management team which is headed by the Country Coordinator, then the technical team and support staff at the bottom level who support our targeted beneficiaries and groups supported by the Community Based Trainers (CBTs) who are identified and selected by the beneficiaries at the community level. Details of the structure are given in the narration below:

General Assembly: is the supreme Authority of the organization consisting of all stakeholders of the organization.

AID Board: is the supreme governing body of the organization. Albertine Interventions for Development (AID) has a Board of Directors that jointly oversees the activities of the organization. The group of nine is made up of experts and scholars who provide direction for the organization. Their main purpose is to guide AID’s strategic plan and activities, and ensure that programmes implementation is consistent with the organization’s mission and values. The board also reviews and pass organizational policies and take medium and long-term decisions of the organization. The Board holds meetings to review and strategically plan AID’s operations.

Management Level:- This is composed of the Senior Management Team of the Organization and it is made up of
the Country Coordinator, Programme Manager, Finance & Administration Manager (FAM), Programme Officer Agriculture & Enterprise Development, Conservation Manager, Programme Officer Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Programme Officer Community Health & Nutrition. 

The Management Team is pre-occupied with policy issues of the organization, strategic planning, donor relations, contract negotiations and reports to the board for guidance, direction and approval. More so, the team plays the general management functions of the organization i.e. planning, organizing, staffing, direction and control.

Technical Team:- The technical team does the actual implementation of organizational activities/programs. It is made up of the Project Coordinators, Project Officers, Accountant, Agronomists, Seed Experts, Agribusiness Officers, Environment Specialists, Agroforestry Specialists, SLM Specialists, Poultry & Livestock Officers, Business Development Officers, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Gender Officer, Agriculture Engineer, ICT Specialist, Social Workers/Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWS), Field Officers, Accounts Assistants, Seed Production Technicians and Agroforestry Nursery Operators. 

Support Staff:- The support staff is made of a team of 23 people; 4 Administrative Assistants, 8 Volunteers, 2 Cleaners and 2 drivers and 5 Tractor operators and 2 Askaris working as security officers


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