P.O Box 405, Fort Portal Uganda.


Plot 19, Nyaika Avenue, Speke Lane-Boma Fort Portal


(+256) 392178486
(+256) 772089096

Entrepreneurship and Skills Development

AID supports Youths aged 18-35 years to attain vocational skills in tailoring embroidery, commercial agriculture production, agro-forestry and commercial making of energy saving stoves. This aims at equipping the youths with information, knowledge & life skills to enable them make better choices & informed decisions & generate income. The Youths also are equipped with entrepreneurship skills & supported with startup tool kits to manage the various businesses after the vocational studies.


AID trains the youths in agribusiness to help them create sustainable, self-reliant income that will provide continued support and a never-ending intervention. They are trained in seed production and marketing mainly the Quality Declared Seeds (QDS) that is certified by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), animal rearing, income generating agriculture and gardening. More so, the youths are skilled in value addition of agricultural products, packaging, branding and marketing after engaging UNBS in the certification process. In order to mitigate the risk of drought that might affect the crops, low cost bucket irrigation is emphasized and promoted. After the training, each youth selects three crop/animal enterprises to grow/rear. 

They are also trained in commercial energy cooking construction and commercial charcoal briquette making so that they can earn income as they conserve the environment. The youths are also trained in setting up commercial tree and vegetable production nurseries so that they can produce the seedlings for commercial purposes.


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