P.O Box 405, Fort Portal Uganda.


Plot 19, Nyaika Avenue, Speke Lane-Boma Fort Portal


(+256) 392178486
(+256) 772089096


Community Health & Nutrition

AID has taken a significant step in supporting access to HIV counseling and testing especially for children, adolescents and adults in urban and rural communities where access to such services is difficult.

Accessibility to HIV counseling and testing services enable them know their status and all those who test positive are referred to health facilities for care and treatment services. We make effective follow to the health facilities to ensure that all HIV positive clients referred for care are initiated and retained in care so as to have complete viral load suppression. 

We also work with the health facilities to strengthen follow-ups for missed appointments, lost to follow clients and clients who have failed to achieve viral load suppression for effective care and support. We offer combined HIV prevention strategy by enabling the community access HIV prevention messages and services

Our prevention services and messages include;

Basic facts about HIV/AIDS
• Abstinence
• Be faithful
• Condom use
• Safe Male Circumcision
• Elimination of mothers to child transmission (EMTCT)
• HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT)
• Sexual Reproductive Health
• Addressing social cultural drivers of HIV/AIDS
• Addressing gender issues relating to HIV transmission.

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AID also gives Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) to pregnant mothers and vitamin A supplements and dewormers to children in its operating areas with the aim of improving on the healthy status and nutrition of the children and pregnant mothers; it also gives advice to mothers and families on how to live a healthy life through having nutritious meals and balanced diet so as to reduce on the malnutrition of children in families.