P.O Box 405, Fort Portal Uganda.


Plot 19, Nyaika Avenue, Speke Lane-Boma Fort Portal


(+256) 392178486
(+256) 772089096


Climate Smart Agriculture & Enterprise Development

Over time, AID has accumulated vast experience in supporting farming families in
sustainable market oriented supply chains across 15 commodity sectors of beans, soybeans, rice, maize, barley, groundnuts, cassava, potatoes, coffee, cocoa, Vanilla, fruits and vegetables, aquaculture, apiculture, poultry & livestock.

Some of the activities under this area include:

Training of the farming communities on improved practices for sustainable utilization and management of land

Promoting farmers access to high quality crop inputs, improved seeds/seedlings, animal breeds and other proven agricultural technologies

Training of the Local Seed Business (LSB) groups on improved and quality seed production and marketing through the LSB model/methodology.

Support development of value chains for selected crops, poultry and livestock enterprises
through climate smart agricultural practices

Support in increasing farmers’ capacity to participate in agribusiness

•Increasing farmers’ knowledge and practices on improved food security and nutrition

Supporting irrigation and water harvesting technologies in farming communities for sustainable agriculture

Subscription and dissemination of information on weather forecasts for proper farm

Training on improved and balanced food utilization among targeted farming households

Increasing farmers’ access to agricultural advisory and extension services

Promote and supporting farmers’ access to marketing information and market linkages

Supporting the farming communities in accessing improved value addition technologies for selected products among targeted farmers and beneficiaries

Developing and implementing advocacy strategies on issues that affect agricultural production and marketing

Supporting farmers to mechanize and commercialize agriculture by offering them with tractor hire services for farming operations like bush clearing, Ploughing, harrowing, ridging, planting and transportation of farm produce from farmers’ gardens to bulking stores and
marketing centers at affordable and subsidized prices/costs. 

Linking farmers to agricultural insurance service providers to safe guard their crops and
livestock enterprises

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